• Accountable


    • IPA: /ʌˈkaÊŠntÉ™blÌ©/
    • US IPA: /É™.ˈkaÊŠn.tÉ™.bÉ™l/


    Full definition of accountable



    1. Having accountability (individuals have accountability); answerable.
      Every man is accountable to God for his conduct.
      You will be held accountable for your misdemeanors.
    2. Requiring accountability (property or funds require accountability).
    3. Liable to be called on to render an account;
    4. Being answerable for.
    5. Being liable for.
    6. (rare) Capable of being accounted for; explicable; explainable.
      • Benjamin Whichcote, True religion . . . intelligible, rational, and accountable, -- not a burden but a privilege.
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