• Dinner-table

    Full definition of dinner-table


      • 1882, James George Scott, , Ch. xxviii: "Nga-pee":Travellers on the steamers of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company are wont to rail in no measured terms at the fish-paste which forms an invariable and obtrusively evident part of the cargo, yet no Burman would think a dinner complete without his modicum of nga-pee, and it is a noteworthy fact that one form of the condiment is of frequent appearance on English dinner-tables in the East, under the name of balachong, a term borrowed from the Straits Settlements, but which designates nothing more nor less than a specially prepared variety of nga-pee.
      • Wells Patty at Home|page=64|passage=The conversation was taking place at the Elliotts’ dinner-table, and Uncle Charley looked up from his carving to say: ...
      • 1908, w:Maud Churton Braby, Modern Marriage and How to Bear It Chapter Polygamy at the polite dinner-table, But whether she has a home with her parents or not, every normal woman longs for a home of her own, and a girl who resents even arranging the flowers on her mother’s dinner-table will after marriage cheerfully do quite distasteful housework in the place she calls her own.
      • 1914, Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher, Some South Indian Insects and Other Animals of Importance Considered Especially from an Economic Point of View, The stink-glands of many bugs are well known to most residents in India, whether by the characteristic odour of the common Bed-bug or by the disgusting taste in one's soup caused by a "gundy” which has been attracted by the lights on the dinner-table.
      • 1919, w:Ronald Firbank, w:Valmouth
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