• Maggot


    • enPR: măg'É™t, IPA: /ˈmæɡət/


    From Middle English magot, magotte, probably Anglo-Norman alteration of maddock ("worm", "maggot"), originally a diminutive form of a base represented by Old English maþa (Scots mathe), from common Germanic root *mathon-, from the Proto-Indo-European root *math-, which was used in insect names, equivalent to made + -ock. Near-cognates include Dutch made, German Made and Swedish mask.

    The use of maggot to mean a fanciful or whimsical thing derives from the folk belief that a whimsical or crotchety person had maggots in his or her brain.

    Full definition of maggot



    (plural maggots)
    1. A soft, legless larva of a fly or other dipterous insect, that often eats decomposing organic matter.
    2. A term of insult for a 'worthless' person, as if a bug.Drop and give me fifty, maggot.
    3. (obsolete) A whimsy or fancy.Mr. Beveridge's Maggot, an old country dance http://www.izaak.unh.edu/nhltmd/indexes/dancingmaster/Dance/Play4199.htm.
      • 1620, John Fletcher (playwright), Women Pleased, III.iv.Are you not mad, my friend? What time o' th' moon is't?
        Have not you maggots in your brain?


    • (soft legless larva) grub

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