• Online


    • enPR: ŏn'lÄ«n", IPA: /ˈɒnËŒlaɪn/

    Alternative forms


    on + line

    Full definition of online



    1. Describes a system which is connected (generally electrically) to a larger network.
      1. Describes a generator or power plant which is connected to the grid.
      2. Describes a computer which is connected to the Internet or to some other communications service – i.e., not simply with the cable plugged in, but has established a connection to a larger network (e.g., by dialing up).
        Is this modem online?
    2. Available over, or delivered from, the Internet.
      • 2013-05-25, No hiding place, In America alone, people spent $170 billion on “direct marketing”—junk mail of both the physical and electronic varieties—last year. Yet of those who received unsolicited adverts through the post, only 3% bought anything as a result. If the bumf arrived electronically, the take-up rate was 0.1%. And for online adverts the “conversion” into sales was a minuscule 0.01%.
    3. I prefer to read the online newspapers.
    4. Connected to the Internet.
      I'll be online tonight, so I'll be able to reply to your email.
    5. Available on a computer system, even if not networked.
      Press the F1 key to access the online help.
      The program comes with an online manual.
    6. Describes a system that is active, particularly building facilities (such as power) or a factory or power plant.
      The power is online.
      Once this factory comes online, it will double car production in our country!


    • (connected to larger network) offline
    • (available on a computer system) hardcopy



    1. Describes actions performed over the Internet.He works online.
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