• Perspicuity


    • RP enPR: pÉ™r'spÄ­kyoÍžoʹĭti, IPA: /ËŒpəːspɪˈkjuːɪti/
    • US enPR: pÉ™r'spÉ™kyoÍžoʹədi, IPA: /ËŒpÉšspəˈkjuÉ™di/

    Alternative forms

    th C.}th–16th CC.}th C.}


    From the Classical Latin perspicuitās, from perspicuus ("clear”, “evident"); compare perspicacity and the French perspicuité.

    Full definition of perspicuity



    (countable and uncountable; plural perspicuitys)
    1. Clarity, lucidity, especially in expression; the state or characteristic of being perspicuous.
      • 1905, George Bernard Shaw, The Irrational Knot, ch. 18,Whether through the first officer's want of perspicuity or my own stupidity, I was not a bit the wiser for the explanation.
    2. Perspicacity; insight.
      • 1898, Winston Churchill, The Celebrity Chapter 4, “Well,” I answered, at first with uncertainty, then with inspiration, “he would do splendidly to lead your cotillon, if you think of having one.” ¶ “So you do not dance, Mr. Crocker?” ¶ I was somewhat set back by her perspicuity.
      • 1965, "The Stupid Spy," Time, 19 Mar,Thompson, a high school dropout, said with rare perspicuity that he doubted the FBI would hire him.
    3. (rare) Transparency; translucence.
      • 1900, Edith Wharton, The Touchstone, ch. 11,It must have been on some such day of harsh sunlight, the incisive February brightness that gives perspicuity without warmth.
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