• Remains


    Full definition of remains



    (plural only)
    1. What is left after a person (or any organism) dies; a corpse.
      They buried the remains of their longtime friend in the town cemetery.
      The victim's remains were one small piece of bone.
    2. Historical or archaeological relics.
    3. (writings)The extant writings of a deceased person.
      To his great intellectual powers his published remains bear abundant witness.
    4. All that is left of the stock of some things; remnants.
      • 1963, Margery Allingham, The China Governess Chapter Foreword, Everything a living animal could do to destroy and to desecrate bed and walls had been done.   A canister of flour from the kitchen had been thrown at the looking-glass and lay like trampled snow over the remains of a decent blue suit with the lining ripped out which lay on top of the ruin of a plastic wardrobe.
    5. He couldn't bring himself to eat the remains of the chicken dinner.
    6. (rare)  Plural of remain.


    1. remains

      (third-person singular of remain)
      We'll go ahead, while she remains here.
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