• -est


    • UK enPR: Ä­st, IPA: /ɪst/
    • Australia enPR: É™st, IPA: /É™st/

    Origin 1

    Cognate with Dutch -st.

    Full definition of -est


    1. Used to form the superlative of adjectives and adverbs.longest, biggest, fastest

    Usage notes

    See -er for notes on the usage of this suffix to form superlatives.

    no need to duplicate ourselves:

    Final y preceded by a consonant becomes i when this suffix is added (for example, easy has the superlative easiest, but the superlative of gay is gayest).

    When the stress is on the final (or only) syllable of the adjective, and this syllable ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, this consonant is doubled (for example, dim becomes dimmest).

    This suffix may be used to form the superlative of:

    • adjectives and adverbs of one syllable that form their superlatives regularly (for example, hot becomes hottest and fast becomes fastest, but good has the superlative best and the superlative of far is farthest or furthest)
    • some, but not all, adjectives that have two syllables (for example, funny has the superlative funniest).

    Most longer adjectives, and adjectives that are participles, form the superlative using most (the only acceptable superlative of enormous is most enormous; burnt becomes most burnt; and the superlative of freezing is most freezing).

    If in doubt, use most instead (thirsty may become thirstiest but most thirsty would also be acceptable).

    Occasionally, the -est suffix will be added to a verb as a substitute for "most X". An example is winningest.

    Origin 2


    1. (archaic) Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs.goest, makest
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