• Antipodes


    • IPA: /ænˈtɪpəˌdiz/, /ˈæntɪi.pəʊdz/


    From Ancient Greek ἀντίποδες, from ἀντί (anti, "opposite") + πόδες, plural of πούς (pous, "foot").

    Usage notes

    Pronunciation IPA: /ˈæntɪi.pəʊdz/ is often considered incorrect



    Full definition of antipodes



    1. The place on the diametrically opposite side of the earth from a given point
    2. The Southern Hemisphere
      • 1907, w, The Younger Set Chapter 1/2, His sister, Mrs. Gerard, stood there in carriage gown and sables, radiant with surprise. “Phil ! You ! Exactly like you, Philip, to come strolling in from the antipodes—dear fellow !” recovering from the fraternal embrace and holding both lapels of his coat in her gloved hands.
    3. (UK, now rare) Australia and New Zealand
    4. (figuratively, by extension) The opposite of something

    Derived terms

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