(rare) A custom, idea, or usage peculiar to the USA; a Usonian mentality; a preference for the USA and the ideas it represents
1995, Bruce-Novoa, Sabine R. Ulibarrà Chapter Through the Eye of the Condor: The Limitless Horizons of Literary Space, That Ulibarri sees the Ecuadorean Indian as too burdened by a tradition of dehumanizing servitude is perhaps more revealing of his deep-seated Usonianism than of the Indians' real character.
(rare) The philosophical ideal of Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian architecture
1979, American Society for Environmental History, Environmental Review, Broadacres was the ultimate landscape combining the best of the cities and the country, organicism, decentralization and usonianism.
2002, April 15, NewsCenter Chapter Frank Lloyd Wright's "Usonianism" Will Be Explored in Talk Sponsored by UB Art History Department, "Usonianism," an architectural style that articulated Frank Lloyd Wright's social and economic principles of "Usonian
ca 2008, Colorado Historical Society, Nomination of the Nelson House to the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties, Architect Frank Lloyd Wright pioneered Usonianism as the path to affordable modern residential architecture.
(An idea or usage peculiar to the USA) Americanism