1961, , Descriptive and Applied Linguistics - Volumes 1-5 , Allonymy, I think, should be distinguished from the ordinary indirect naming in that the former presupposes a habitual avoidance of the proper name of the person designated, as this is indeed already implied in the descriptions of Tylor and Winick.
1986, Djelal Kadir, Questing Fictions: Latin America's Family Romance, The signatures appended to that story change and multiply, but only as allographs — the ghostly amanuensis displaced by his protean signature, an allonymy which screens out the aleatory signators by substituting itself in their vacated place.
2000, Elena Rova , Patavina Orientalia Selecta, Recent archaeological and epigraphic discoveries at the site of Tell Shiukh Fawqani in the Tishrin region" allow us to add a case of natural allonymy to the institutional allonymies already quoted for the Upper Syrian Euphrates.