• Aloud


    • US IPA: /ʌˈlaÊŠd/
    • Rhymes: -aÊŠd
    • Homophones: allowed


    From Middle English aloud, a loude ("aloud"), equivalent to - + loud or - + loude("sound").

    Full definition of aloud



    1. With a loud voice, or great noise; loudly; audibly.
      speaking aloud rather than whispering
      • 1898, Winston Churchill, The Celebrity Chapter 5, Then we relapsed into a discomfited silence, and wished we were anywhere else. But Miss Thorn relieved the situation by laughing aloud, and with such a hearty enjoyment that instead of getting angry and more mortified we began to laugh ourselves, and instantly felt better.
    2. Audibly, as opposed to silent.
      speaking aloud rather than thinking thoughts privately
      • 1922, Ben Travers, A Cuckoo in the Nest Chapter 1, He read the letter aloud. Sophia listened with the studied air of one for whom, even in these days, a title possessed some surreptitious allurement.



    1. Spoken out loud.
      • 2004, James Anderson, The Art of God, When you are meditating with sound, it can be aloud or it can be silent


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