• Anarchy


    • UK IPA: /ˈænÉ™ki/
    • US enPR: ănʹär-kÄ“, IPA: /ˈænɑɹki/


    New Latin anarchia, from Ancient Greek ἀναρχία, from ἀν- (an-, "not"), + ἀρχή (arkhē, "power, authority").

    Full definition of anarchy



    (countable and uncountable; plural anarchys)
    1. (uncountable) The state of a society being without authorities or an authoritative governing body.
    2. (uncountable) Anarchism; the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature.
    3. (countable) A chaotic and confusing absence of any form of political authority or government.
    4. Confusion in general; disorder.

    Usage notes

    (confusion or misunderstanding in general) Anarchists feel it is inappropriate to use anarchy to mean “a state of chaos or confusion”. However, this has historically been a common use of the word.


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