• Appellation


    • US IPA: /ˌæpəˈleɪʃən/
    • Rhymes: -eɪʃən
    • Homophones: Appalachian


    From the Old French apellatiun, from the Latin appellātiō ("a naming").

    Full definition of appellation



    (plural appellations)
    1. (formal or dated) A name, title, or designation.
      • 1912, Stratemeyer Syndicate, Baseball Joe on the School Nine Chapter 1"I'll not," retorted "Teeter" Nelson, whose first name was Harry, but who had gained his appellation because of a habit he had of "teetering" on his tiptoes when reciting in class. "I've got Peaches all right," and there was a struggle between the two lads, one trying to throw a snowball, and the other trying to prevent him.
    2. An indication for wine that describes its geographic origin.
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