• Apse


    • UK IPA: /æps/
    • Rhymes: -æps


    Via Latin apsis, from Ancient Greek ἁψίς (hapsis, "arch, vault"), from ἅπτω (haptō, "I bind, join").

    Full definition of apse



    (plural apses)
    1. (architecture) A semicircular projection from a building, especially the rounded east end of a church that contains the altar.
    2. The bishop's seat or throne in ancient churches.
    3. A reliquary, or case in which the relics of saints were kept.
    4. (astronomy, obsolete) The nearest and furthest points to the centre of gravitational attraction for a body in orbit. More usually called an apsis.
    5. (obsolete or dialectal) In some local dialects and in archaic usage, an aspen tree.


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