• Aptronym

    Full definition of aptronym



    (plural aptronyms)
    1. A name that is aptly suited to its owner.
      • a. 1993 Danielle Schaub, "Mavis Gallant's Double Illusion", in, 1993, Jean-Michael Lacroix, Simone Vauthier, and Héliane Ventura, editors, Image et Récit, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, ISBN 2878540530, page 82 http://google.com/books?id=yKi_z2XYb00C&pg=PA82&dq=aptronym:Speck also turns out to be a shopkeeper whose small-town mentality finds a reflection in his aptronym: "Speck" in German meaning bacon, he is the local butcher concerned with selling his merchandise regardless of its real quality.
      • 2000, Lorna Fitzsimmons, “Of ‘Broken Wall, the Burning Roof and Tower’: Gyno-Turning in Limit Up and Svankmajer’s Faust”, chapter 12 of Wendy Everett (editor), The Seeing Century: Film, Vision and Identity, Rodopi, ISBN 978-90-420-1494-7, page 149:This contradiction is condensed within the aptronym Casey Falls: her first name recalls Jim Casy, the preacher who is sacrificed helping migrant workers in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, while her surname evokes Eve and the Fall.
      • a. 2004 Peter Cosgrove, "History and Utopia in Ormond", in, 2004, Heidi Kaufman and Chris Fauske, editors, An Uncomfortable Authority: Maria Edgeworth and Her Contexts, University of Delaware Press, ISBN 0874138787 page 77 http://google.com/books?id=HL0MH3x0ODUC&pg=PA77&dq=aptronym:The latter after marrying Sir Ulick's steward becomes Mrs. M'Crule, an aptronym expressing her excessive bigotry in preventing the Catholic boy, Tommy Dunshaughlin, from attending a charity school.


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