• Aquæduct

    Full definition of aquæduct



    (plural aquæducts)
    1. Archaic spelling of aqueduct
      • 1766, Temple Henry Croker, Thomas Williams, Samuel Clarke, The complete dictionary of arts and sciences, AQU:AQUÆDUCT, in architecture and hydraulics, a canal Å¿upported by Å¿tone, timber, &c. for conveying water from one place to another. The word is Latin, aquæductus, q. d. ductus aquæ, a conduit of water. The Romans, and Å¿everal oriental nations, were very magnificent in their aquæducts, Å¿ome of which extended an hundred miles. Frontinus, a man of conÅ¿ular dignity, and who had the direction of the aquæducts under the emperor Nerva, mentions nine of theÅ¿e Å¿tructures that emptied themÅ¿elves through 13,594 pipes of an inch diameter. And Vigenere has obÅ¿erved that Rome received, every twenty‐four hours, no leÅ¿s than 500,000 hogÅ¿heads of water. AQUÆDUCT, in anatomy, a term applied by anatomiÅ¿ts to certain canals, on account of their form or uÅ¿e : Å¿uch are the aquæduct of Fallopium, a canal Å¿ituated between the apophyÅ¿es, Å¿tyloides, and maÅ¿toides  ; the aquæduct of Nuck, in the Å¿elerotic coat of the eye ; and the aquæduct of Å¿ylvius, in the brain, the poÅ¿terior Å¿urface of which is called its anus.
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