• Arid

    Pronunciation in accents without the w, English-languag vowel changes before historic /r/#Mary–marry–merry_merger, "Mary, marry, merry" merger in accents with the

    • UK IPA: /ˈæ.ɹɪd/
    • US IPA: /ˈæ.ɹɪd/
    • US IPA: /ˈɛə.ɹɪd/


    Ultimately from the Latin term āridus ("dry, arid, parched"), confer its synonymous contracted form ardus. Originally from the verb āreo ("I am dry, I am parched"), akin to ārdeō ("I'm on fire, I burn").

    Full definition of arid



    1. Very dry.
    2. Describing a very dry climate. Typically defined as less than 25 cm or 10 inches of rainfall annually.
    3. Devoid of value.
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