• Arthritically

    Full definition of arthritically



    1. In an arthritic fashion: in a way that is characteristic of a person with arthritis
      • 1989, October 20, Albert Williams, The Butter and Egg Man, As Lehman, Breuler is sluggish, coarse, and lumpy, huffing and puffing his way arthritically about the stage like some 1930s crime-movie heavy.
      • 2008, Steven Sills, An Apostate: Nawin of Thais Chapter , But as time went by the inert human creature became so wholly opprobrious to the gecko, who valued a good hunt, that at last, as the small ceiling fan continued to turn arthritically, churning an unnoticeable, fetid draft of warm air in the direction of the man and the beast with a wobbling, scraping sound like cooks in sidewalk restaurants mixing fried rice but instead mixing these myriad, noxious odors of the train, it informed Nawin of his freakish obscenities with its tacit baleful eyes and scrolled tongue ...
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