• Atone


    • UK IPA: /əˈtəʊn/
    • US IPA: /əˈtoÊŠn/
    • Rhymes: -əʊn
    • one and once are pronounced differently from the related words alone, only and atone. Stressed vowels often become diphthongs over time (Latin bona → Italian buona and Spanish buena), and this happened in the to the words one and once, first recorded ca 1400: the vowel underwent some changes, from ōn → ōōōn → wōn → wōōn → wŏŏn → wÅ­n.


    From atone ("reconciled"), from Middle English atone, attone, atoon ("agreed", literally at one), equivalent to at + one.

    Full definition of atone


    1. To make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime or a sin one has committed.
    2. (proscribed) To clear (someone else) of wrongdoing, especially by standing as an equivalent.



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