• Awreak


    Old English awrecan, corresponding to - + wreak.



    1. (obsolete) To avenge, take vengeance on.
      • Mlry MrtDrthr|3.8|2|I|x:SO after the feste and iourneye kynge Arthur drewe hym vnto london
        and soo by the counceil of Merlyn the kyng lete calle his barons to coūceil
        for Merlyn had told the kynge that the sixe kynges that made warre vpon hym wold in al haste be awroke on hym & on his landys wherfor the kyng asked counceil at hem al
        they coude no counceil gyue but said they were bygge ynough
    Prior quote:Merlin had told the kynge that the sixe kynges that made warre vpon hym wold in al haste be awroke on hym & on hys landys.


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