One whose self-identity is in passive roles, such as experiencing and observing.
1990, Budge Wilson, The leaving, and other stories Chapter Be-ers and Doers, That meant, among other things, that he was going to be a fast-moving doer. And even when he was three or four, it wasn't hard for me to know that this wasn't going to be easy. Because Albert was a beer. Born that way.
1997, David Foster Wallace, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments Chapter E UNIBUS PLURAM: television and U.S. fiction, they were also sentient citizens of a community that was exchanging the old idea of itself as a nation of doers and be-ers for a new vision of the U.S.A. as an atomized mass of self-conscious watchers and appearers.
2010, Liz Miller, Mood Mapping: Plot Your Way to Emotional Health and Happiness, 'Be-ers' or 'observers' assess a situation, see what's happening, and then take action if necessary
2011, Shakti Gawain, Laurel King, Living in the Light, The two types could be called the “doers†and the “be-ers.†They roughly correspond to “type A†and “type B†personalities