• Beep


    • enPR: bÄ“p, IPA: /biːp/
    • Rhymes: -iːp

    Full definition of beep



    (plural beeps)
    1. The sound produced by the horn of a car, or any similar sound.
    2. A short, electronically produced tone.


    • (electronically produced): bleep


    1. (transitive) To sound (something that makes a beep).The motorists in the traffic jam were getting more and more frustrated and started beeping their horns.
    2. (transitive) To have sexual intercourse (with) - referring to the bleep tone used to censor obscene words in broadcasts''Jason beeped Sharlene after they had drunk a few beers.
    3. (intransitive) To produce a beep.
    4. (transitive) Telephoning a person, but only allowing the phone to ring once, in order to request a call back.''Susan beeped Jessica, and then Jessica called her back, because Susan didn't have enough credit on her phone to make the call.


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