• Berth


    UK IPA: /bɜːθ/US enPR: bûrth, IPA: /bɜ˞θ/
    • Homophones: birth
    • Rhymes: -ɜː(ɹ)θ

    Alternative forms


    Origin obscure, but apparently from Middle English *berth ("bearing, carriage"), equivalent to bear + -th.

    Full definition of berth



    (plural berths)
    1. A fixed bunk for sleeping in (caravans, trains, etc).
    2. Room for maneuvering or safety. (Often used in the phrase a wide berth.)
    3. A space for a ship to moor or a vehicle to park.
    4. (nautical) A room in which a number of the officers or ship's company mess and reside.
    5. A job or position, especially on a ship.
    6. (sports) Position or seed in a tournament bracket.
    7. (sports) position on the field of play


    1. (transitive) to bring (a ship or vehicle) into its berth
    2. (transitive) to assign a berth (bunk or position) to
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