• Beshrew


    From Middle English beshrewen ("to curse, pervert"), equivalent to - + shrew.

    Full definition of beshrew


    1. (transitive, obsolete) To invoke or wish evil upon; to curse.
      • 1598?, William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona,Act I, scene I:Beshrew me, but you have a quick wit.
      • Wodehouse Offing|XII|I had expected to freeze her young – or, rather, middle-aged – blood and have her perm stand on end like quills upon the fretful porpentine, and she hadn't moved a muscle. “Beshrew me,” I said, “you take it pretty calmly.”
    2. (transitive) A mildly imprecatory or merely expletive introductory exclamation, in the form of the imperative.Beshrew your heart, Fair daughter! ― Shakespeare.
      • 1883, Howard Pyle, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood"Now, beshrew his heart," quoth jolly Robin, "that would deny a butcher. And, moreover, I will go dine with you all, my sweet lads, and that as fast as I can hie." Whereupon, having sold all his meat, he closed his stall and went with them to the great Guild Hall.


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