• Bifurcation


    • UK IPA: /ËŒbaɪfəˈkeɪʃən/
    • US enPR: bÄ«'fÉ™r-kāʹshÉ™n, IPA: /ËŒbaɪfɚˈkeɪʃən/
    • Rhymes: -eɪʃən


    From bifurcate + -ion.

    Full definition of bifurcation



    (plural bifurcations)
    1. (biology) A division into two branches.
    2. (by extension) Any place where one thing divides into two.
    3. The act of bifurcating; branching or dividing in two.
    4. Either of the forks or other branches resultant from such a division.
    5. (geography) A place where two roads, tributaries etc. part or meet.
    6. (nautical) The point where a channel divides when proceeding from seaward.
    7. (mathematics) The change in the qualitative or topological structure of a given family as decribed by bifurcation theory.
    8. (computer science) A command that executes one block or other of commands depending on the result of a condition.


    Derived terms

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