• Biscuit


    • enPR: bÄ­s'kÄ­t, IPA: /ˈbɪskɪt/
    • Rhymes: -ɪskɪt

    <span id=en_etym>

    Etymology===From bisket, from Old French bescuit (French: biscuit).



    (plural biscuits)
    1. A cookie.
    2. (UK) A cracker.cheese and biscuits
    3. (chiefly North America) A small bread usually made with baking soda, similar in texture to a scone, but usually not sweet.
    4. A form of unglazed earthenware.
    5. (nautical) The "bread" formerly supplied to naval ships; made with very little water, kneaded into flat cakes and slowly baked; often infested with weevils.
    6. A light brown colour.
    7. (woodworking) A thin oval wafer of wood or other material inserted into mating slots on pieces of material to be joined to provide gluing surface and strength in shear.

    Usage notes

    In British usage, a biscuit is distinct from a cake; the former is generally hard but becomes soft when stale, whereas the latter is generally soft but becomes hard when stale.

    Coordinate terms

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