• Blackball


    • enPR: blăk'bôl', IPA: /ˈblækbɔːl/

    Full definition of blackball



    (plural blackballs)
    1. A rejection, a vote against admitting someone.
    2. A black ball used to indicate such a negative vote.
      Regardless how many other people may have voted to approve a candidate for membership, a single blackball will reject the candidate.
    3. the act of so rejecting someone.
    4. A kind of large black sweet; a niggerball.
    5. A substance for blacking shoes, boots, etc. or for taking impressions of engraved work.


    1. (transitive) To vote against, especially in an exclusive organization.
      If you're not from a moneyed, well-connected family, you can count on getting blackballed from the fraternity.
      • 1898, Willa Cather, The Westbound TrainWhy, if I had known you all my life I should have grown up in the condition of Adam before the fall, and they would have blackballed me at the clubs.
    2. (transitive) To ostracize.
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