• Boffola


    boff + -ola

    Full definition of boffola



    (plural boffolas)
    1. A coarse or farcical gag; a joke provoking hearty laughter.
      • 1961, Al Hine, Lord love a duck (page 215)"You're here to set off skyrockets for Barbara Anne, not to regale us with the steam-room boffolas of Beverly Hills." "Well, I thought it was a cute story," Mr. Blakelee said.
      • 1979, Newsweek (volume 94, part 2, page 70)You laugh all the harder because the movie never winds up to hit you with a boffola.
      • 1992, Jib Fowles, Why Viewers Watch: A Reappraisal of Television's Effects (page 119)These are the people whose laughter you hear after the boffolas on shows that have been filmed without audiences. I don't suppose all these laughers are dead, but a lot of them must be by this time.
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