• Brushy


    brush + -y

    Full definition of brushy



    1. Having a similar texture to a fox's tail; bushy.
      • 1826, Royal Society of Edinburgh, The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal Chapter , It dipped its brushy tail (somewhat resembling that of a fox) into the dish, and carried the milk in this manner to the mouth.
      • 2002, New possum species found in Australia, The northern variety living in the forests of New South Wales and Queensland have smaller ears, shorter feet and a longer, brushier tail than those in the Victorian woods to the south.
    2. (Of the countryside) Having thick vegetation, larger than grass but smaller than trees.
      • 2007, National Parks, Alaskan meltdown: on the frontlines of climate changehttp://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-21977629_ITMAlaska and the national park sites in our northern-most state are showing dramatic signs of global climate change. Melting permafrost and glaciers, eroding coastlines, and insect invasions all point to warming temperature trends.
    3. Throughout much of northern Alaska, tundra is becoming brushier and giving way to forest.
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