• Bulwark


    • enPR: bo͝ol'wÉ™rk, IPA: /ˈbÊŠlwɝk/, /ˈbÊŠlwɔɹk/


    Middle High German, cognate with German Bollwerk, Danish bolværk, Dutch bolwerk. The first part is akin to bole ("trunk of a tree"). Cognates include boulevard (from French boulevard, from Dutch), Spanish baluarte and Italian baluardo.

    Full definition of bulwark



    (plural bulwarks)
    1. A defensive wall or rampart.
    2. A defense or safeguard.
      • BlackstoneThe royal navy of England hath ever been its greatest defence, ... the floating bulwark of our island.
    3. A breakwater.
    4. (nautical) The planking or plating along the sides of a nautical vessel above her gunwale that reduces the likelihood of seas washing over the gunwales and people being washed overboard.


    1. (transitive) To fortify something with a wall or rampart.
    2. (transitive) To provide protection of defense for something.
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