• Canvass



    From canvas, originally meaning "to toss in a canvas sheet". First attested 1508

    Full definition of canvass



    (plural canvasses)
    1. A solicitation of voters or public opinion.


    1. To solicit voters, opinions, etc. from; to go through, with personal solicitation or public addresses.to canvass a district for votes; to canvass a city for subscriptions
    2. To conduct a survey.
    3. To campaign.
    4. To sift; to strain; to examine thoroughly; to scrutinize.to canvass the votes cast at an election; to canvass a district with reference to its probable vote
      • WoodwardI have made careful search on all hands, and canvassed the matter with all possible diligence.
    5. To examine by discussion; to debate.
      • Sir W. Hamiltonan opinion that we are likely soon to canvass
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