• Chipmunk


    1832; alteration (influenced by chipping squirrel) of earlier chitmunk, from older Ojibwe ačitamo˙nˀ ("squirrels") (modern ajidamóóg), literally ‘those who descend headlong’, from ačit- ("headfirst, face-down") (compare modern ajijibizo ("he falls headfirst"), ajidagoojin ("he hangs upside down")). The verb developed due to the high-pitched voices of the chipmunks in the film Alvin and the Chipmunks.

    Full definition of chipmunk



    (plural chipmunks)
    1. A squirrel-like rodent of the genus Tamias, native mainly to North America.


    1. To speed up an audio recording, especially a song, to make the voices high-pitched.
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