• Chirrup

    Full definition of chirrup


    1. (intransitive) To make a series of chirps, clicks or clucks
    2. (transitive) To express by chirping.The crickets chirruped their song.
    3. (transitive) To quicken or animate by chirping.to chirrup a horse



    (plural chirrups)
    1. A series of chirps, clicks or clucks
      • 1841 James Fenimore Cooper - The deerslayer: Or, the First War-pathWhen other folks' squirrels are at home and asleep, yourn keep in motion among the trees and chirrup and sing, in a way that even a Delaware gal can understand their music!
      • 1859 Charled Dickens - The Cricket on the HearthAnd here, if you like, the Cricket DID chime in ! with a Chirrup, Chirrup, Chirrup of such magnitude, by way of chorus
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