• Churn


    • UK enPR: chû(r)n, IPA: /tʃɜː(r)n/
    • US IPA: /tʃɚn/
    • Rhymes: -ɜː(r)n


    From Old English Ä‹yrin. Cognate with West Frisian tsjerne, Dutch karn and Walloon serene.

    Full definition of churn


    1. (transitive) To agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion; generally applies to liquids, notably cream.Now the cream is churned to make butter.
      • AddisonChurned in his teeth, the foamy venom rose.
    2. (transitive, figuratively) To produce excessive and sometimes undesirable or unproductive activity or motion.
    3. (intransitive) To move rapidly and repetitively with a rocking motion; to tumble, mix or shake.I was so nervous my stomach was churning.

    Derived terms



    (plural churns)
    1. A vessel used for churning.a butter churn
    2. (telecommunications) The time when a consumer switches his/her service provider.
    3. (telecommunications) The mass of people who are ready to switch carriers, expressed by the formula Customer Quits/Customer base.

    Derived terms

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