• Clown


    • enPR: kloun, IPA: /klaÊŠn/
    • Rhymes: -aÊŠn


    Likely from , akin to Icelandic klunni ("klutz") and Old Frisian klönne ("klutz").



    (plural clowns)
    1. A performance artist often associated with a circus and typically characterised by bright, oversized clothing, a red nose, face paint, and a brightly colored wig and who performs slapstick.
    2. A person who acts in a silly fashion.
    3. (UK) A stupid person.
    4. (obsolete) A man of coarse nature and manners; an awkward fellow; an illbred person; a boor.
    5. (obsolete) One who works upon the soil; a rustic; a churl.
      • CowperThe clown, the child of nature, without guile.


    • (performance artist working in a circus)
    • (person who acts in a silly fashion) buffoon, fool

    Full definition of clown


    1. To act in a silly fashion.

    Derived terms

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