• Con-

    Origin 1

    From the Latin prefix con-, from cum ("with").

    Full definition of con-


    1. (non-productive) used with certain words to add a notion similar to those conveyed by with, together, or jointcongenial, congregation, console, consonant, construct, converge, etc.
    2. (non-productive) used with certain words to intensify their meaningconfirm

    Usage notes

    Con- becomes

    col- before l: collaborate

    com- before b, m, and p: combat, commit, compel

    cor- before r: correlation

    It can also appear as co-: coexistence, cosine.

    Origin 2

    Back-formation from {{3}}, short for "constructed language".


    1. attached to certain words to obtain new, informal, subcultural words in which con- conveys a notion of:
      1. constructed, artificial
      2. hypothetical, fictional
      3. related to conlangs, conworlds, etc.
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