• Conjoin


    From Old French conjoindre, from Latin coniungo, from com- together + iungo join

    Full definition of conjoin


    1. (transitive) To join together; to unite; to combine.They are representatives that will loosely conjoin a nation.
    2. (transitive) To marry.I will conjoin you in holy matrimony.
    3. (transitive, grammar) To join as coordinate elements, often with a coordinating conjunction, such as coordinate clauses.
    4. (transitive, mathematics) To combine two sets, conditions, or expressions by a logical AND; to intersect.
    5. (intransitive) To unite, to join, to league.
      • 1843, Thomas_Carlyle, , book 2, ch. XVI, St. EdmundAnd the Body of one Dead; — a temple where the Hero-soul once was and now is not: Oh, all mystery, all pity, all mute awe and wonder; Supernaturalism brought home to the very dullest; Eternity laid open, and the nether Darkness and the upper Light-Kingdoms; — do conjoin there, or exist nowhere!
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