• Consecution


    Middle English consecucioun ("attainment"), from Latin consecutio ("effect, proper sequence, attainment"), from past participle of consequor ("to follow, result, reach")

    Full definition of consecution



    (plural consecutions)
    1. (archaic) A following, or sequel; actual or logical dependence.
    2. (obsolete) A succession or series of any kind.
    3. (archaic) sequence
    4. (logic) The relation of consequent to antecedent.

    Usage notes

    This word is used in logic, linguistics and computing to refer to the relation of a consequent to an antecedent.

    Its other senses are obsolete. Use of the word today in those senses is generally an error made by non-native speakers: words like "consequence" and "sequence" are more likely to be understood.

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