• Correspondence


    • enPR: kŏ"rÄ­spŏn'dÉ™ns, IPA: /ËŒkÉ’rɪˈspÉ’ndÉ™ns/

    Full definition of correspondence



    (countable and uncountable; plural correspondences)
    1. (uncountable) Friendly discussion.
    2. (reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially by letters)(uncountable) Reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially conversation between persons by means of letters.
    3. (countable) An agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome.
    4. (uncountable) Newspaper or news stories, generally.
    5. (countable) A postal or other written communication.
    6. (uncountable) Postal or other written communications.
    7. (set theory, countable) A relation.
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