• Crosier


    • RP IPA: /ˈkrəʊziÉ™/, /ˈkrəʊʒə/
    • US enPR: krōʹzhÉ™r IPA: /ˈkroÊŠÊ’Éš/

    Alternative forms


    From Middle English ; originally referring to the staff bearer, from a merger of Old French words crocier ("bearer of a cross") and croisier ("one who bears or has to do with a cross"), ultimately from Latin crux ("cross").

    Full definition of crosier



    (plural crosiers)
    1. A staff with a hooked end similar to a shepherd's crook, or with a cross at the end, carried by an abbot, bishop, or archbishop as a symbol of office.
    2. (botany): A young fern frond, before it has unrolled; fiddlehead
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