• Crossing


    Full definition of crossing



    (plural crossings)
    1. An intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross
    2. A place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed
    3. A voyage across a body of water
    4. (architecture) The volume formed by the intersection of chancel, nave and transepts in a cruciform church; often with a tower or cupola over it
    5. Movement into a crossed position.
      • 1989, Stephen N. Tchudi, ‎Diana D. Mitchell, Explorations in the Teaching of English (page 270)For example, experts in kinesics — body language — recognize that a person sends out hundreds of nonverbal signals — eyebrow twitches, frowns, leg crossings and uncrossings — every second while he or she is speaking and listening.



    1. (rare) Extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction.
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