• Crossroads



    1. Plural of crossroad
    2. A place where one road crosses another; an intersection of two or more roads.
    3. (by extension) A centrally located position
    4. (by analogy) A decision point; a turning point or opportunity to change direction, course, or goal.
    5. (nonstandard) A fork in the road.
      • 2005, Phil Nordyke, All American, all the way: the combat history of the 82nd Airborne, page 723:The Company A commander, Captain Helmer, was at the crossroads where the road split, with the left fork leading to Udenbreth, when he saw a group of men coming toward him.
      • 2010, Raeanne Thayne, A Cold Creek Baby, page 199:When she reached the crossroads where the trail split, one part of her yearned to head toward the lake.
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