• Darg


    • RP enPR: därg, IPA: /dɑːg/

    Origin 1

    First attested in late Middle English; a syncopic form of daywork, developed through the series of forms: daywork → daywerk → daywark → dawark → *da’ark → dark → darg.

    Alternative forms

    Full definition of darg



    (plural dargs)
    1. (in Scottish and northern English dialects) A day’s work, the task of a day; also, a defined quantity or amount of work, or of the product of work, done in a certain time or at a certain rate of payment; a task.

    Origin 2

    The of dog () has merged with in many American dialects.



    (plural dargs)
    1. (dialect)
      • 1897, Herbert George Wells, The Invisible Man; Chapter III:Hall had stood gaping. "He wuz bit," said Hall. "I’d better go and see to en," and he trotted after the stranger. He met Mrs. Hall in the passage. "Carrier’s darg," he said "bit en."----
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