• Deadeye


    • UK IPA: /ˈdÉ›daɪ/

    Full definition of deadeye



    1. Very accurate with shooting or throwing.
      • 1961, November 2, Jerry Green, Gross Dwarfed, But Not in Ability, Gross, only a 20-year-old junior, is a deadeye passer, a poised runner and a quick-thinking field general.
      • 1999, November 15, Alan Shipnuck, 10 Ucla, Help in that department should come from highly touted freshman Jason Kapono, a 6'7" deadeye shooter who made 211 threes in high school.
      • 2008, Gerald Vizenor, Father Meme, The old man was a natural sniper, a deadeye shooter even as a boy, and he served with my great uncle in the First World War.
    2. About a stare: cold; unfriendly.



    (plural deadeyes)
    1. (nautical) A wooden disk having holes through which the lanyard is passed, used for tightening shrouds.
    2. A very accurate marksman.
      • 1989, Tobias Wolff, This Boy's Life: A Memoir, He taught both my mother and me to shoot, taught my mother so well that she became a better shot than he was--a real deadeye.
    3. (uncommon) A penchant for noticing a particular thing, or a person who has such a penchant.
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