2005, Richard Breitman, U.S. Intelligence And The Nazis, page 31The British picked up a decode in November 1942 indicating that guards at Auschwitz would need six hundred gas masks.
2006, Ian Pfennigwerth, A Man of Intelligence, page 223Decodes stating that Hollandia airfields were becoming overcrowded with IJA aircraft waiting to stage forward to Wewak led to pre-emptive strikes by Allied air forces and the destruction of more than 300 Japanese aircraft on the ground.
2011, Hervie Haufler, Codebreakers' Victory, page 192He was sure that references to AK in the intercepts stood for Midway, but none of the decodes made the identification certain.
(computing) Output from a program or device used to interpret communication protocols
1999 Laura Wonnacott, "Sniffer Pro sees some switches", Info World, page 37This version includes more than 400 decodes that cover everything from legacy decodes to popular decodes and new or updated decodes for such protocols as voice over IP H.323, Server Message Block, Border Gateway Protocol Version 4, and Internet Inter-ORB Protocol