• Derivation


    • IPA: /ËŒdɛɹɪˈveɪʃən/
    • Rhymes: -eɪʃən


    From Middle French dérivation, from Latin derivatio.

    Full definition of derivation



    (plural derivations)
    1. A leading or drawing off of water from a stream or source.
    2. The act of receiving anything from a source; the act of procuring an effect from a cause, means, or condition, as profits from capital, conclusions or opinions from evidence.
    3. The act of tracing origin or descent, as in grammar or genealogy; as, the derivation of a word from an Indo-European root.
    4. The state or method of being derived; the relation of origin when established or asserted.
    5. That from which a thing is derived.
    6. That which is derived; a derivative; a deduction.
    7. (mathematics) The operation of deducing one function from another according to some fixed law, called the law of derivation, as the of differentiation or of integration.
    8. (medicine) A drawing of humors or fluids from one part of the body to another, to relieve or lessen a morbid process.

    Derived terms

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