• Devil-may-care

    Full definition of devil-may-care



    1. Carefree, reckless, irresponsible.
      • 1837, Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers, ch. 49:Not that this would have worried him much, anyway—he was a mighty free and easy, roving, devil-may-care sort of person.
      • 1910, Jeffery Farnol, The Broad Highway, ch. 3:Now, upon his whole person, from the crown of his unkempt head down to his broken, dusty boots, there yet clung that air of jaunty, devil-may-care rakishness.
      • 2011 May 21, Altin Raxhimi, "The Trouble with Democracy: Albania's Worrisome Vote," Time:Tiny Albania emerged from communist dictatorship in 1990 only to tumble into a rough world of gangsters, fraudulent financial machinations and incompetent governance, exacerbated by lawless capitalism and devil-may-care politics.
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