• Disport


    Old French desporter. See also "sport".

    Full definition of disport


    1. (ambitransitive) to amuse oneself divertingly or playfully; to cavort or gambol
      • BuckleThey could disport themselves.
      • Alexander Popewhere light disports in ever mingling dyes
      • ByronChilde Harold basked him in the noontide sun,
        Disporting there like any other fly.
    2. to display ostentatiously
    3. To remove from a port; to carry away.



    (plural disports)
    1. (archaic) A pastime; anything which diverts one from serious matters; a game; sport; relaxation, recreation; entertainment; amusement
    2. (obsolete) Fun; gaiety; merriment; mirth; joy
    3. (obsolete) Deportment; bearing; carriage.
    4. (obsolete) orientation; elevation; bearing.
      • 1662, Thomas Salusbury, Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Systems of the World (Dialogue Two)... shooting a bullet ... out of a Culverin towards the East, and afterwards another, with the same charge, and at the same elevation or disport towards the West.


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