1911, Quarterly Report of the Meteorological Society of Scottland, That the results are fairly accurate is shown by the uptrace and the downtrace being very similar. Still, when two instruments have been attached to the same balloon, the results are not absolutely in accord, either as regards temperature or pressure.
1971, Marine Technology Society Journal - Volume 5, Theorizing that "noise" superimposed upon the downtrace might be the result of turbulent eddies or cavitation in the wake of the probe, we inverted the probe in its mount.
1973, National Research Council (U.S.). Ocean Science Committee, Continuously Sampled Oceanographic Data, In using a command sampler there is a problem with whether to sample on the downtrace (shallow samples are taken down to deeper levels after collection and then brought back to the surface).
1988, Military Review , Shouldn't each CAPSTONE general officer command (GOCOM) be made a miniArmy Reserve command (ARCOM), with direct responsibility for training its USAR and active component downtrace (contingency chain of command)?
1992, JP Bird, Crossed Signals on the Battlefield, The 228th Signal Brigade (HHC), South Carolina National Guard, part of the 335th's command downtrace, was also not mobilized or deployed, despite its mission to provide area signal support to Third Army/ARCENT.
1993, Army Logistician, It is a six-phase, joint command post exercise for theater agencies, theater army units, a theater army area command and corps support command and their downtraces, corps troops, and other services equivalents.
2010, Voris Weldon McBurnette, The 108th Training Command, With the better understaing of the Iraqi Brigade Commander's approach to battle-planning, the Irish MiTT worked at getting a general concept of the Commander's plan early in the planning process to share with the downtrace units so the Battalions would have greater opportunity to plan, rehearse, and resource their battle plans.
1971, Jack Minker, Proceedingsof the Symposium on Information Storage and Retrieval, B2 processing occurs when the subtree is in the downtrace of an attribute in X.
2003, J Wu & Q Ding, ATRAM-An Analysis Tool of Requirement and Architecture Management, The query algorithm mainly includes uptrace and downtrace methods.
2010, Pablo Pirnay-Dummer, Complete structure comparison, For every single trace there is a downtrace with each individual degree being between 2 < |fif| < |v|, such that all possible combinations beneath the previously entailed degrees are generated by the function Ξ.