Full definition of embase
- (obsolete) Physically to lower.Embased the valleys, and embossed the hills. — Sylvester.
- (obsolete, transitive) To bring down or lower in position, status, etc.; to degrade, humiliate.
- 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.1:And either vowd with all their power and witt
To let not others honour be defaste
Of friend or foe, who ever it embaste .... - Such pitiful embellishments of speech as serve for nothing but to embase divinity. — South.
- (obsolete) To lower the value of (a coin, commodity etc.); to debase (a coin) with alloy.Alloy in coin of gold ... may make the metal work the better, but it embaseth it. — Francis Bacon.